Saturday, April 26, 2008

Snot Fair

4 months of training. 14.5 hrs of driving. 2 days of family fun in my home state. And it all comes down to the fact that I can't breathe when I wake up because of the excessive mucus and sinus congestion my body has chosen to produce. My father has a similar ailment and welcomed me home by sharing it with me. I have just about 24 more hours to go until I actually start my leg of the race. One can only hope that the symptoms improve by then.

(As an aside, I have now had significant symptoms twice this year after going at least 3 years with no problems. And they have both begun while I was on leave/vacation. I never get sick at work around the sick people, but somehow I manage to get sick when I'm supposed to be enjoying the fact that I am well and away from sick people. The irony is not lost on me, my friend.)

I'll post tomorrow with the results. I know how much y'all are itching with anticipation for my race time. Our long regional nightmare will be over soon.)

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