Friday, February 15, 2008

Beer Mile

You've heard the predictions of 8:30... now I'm going to give you the splits for each lap of the beer mile.


see you in may.


jlowe said...

Let's break this down a bit further into actual transition times and running times.

First beer: 15 sec
First lap: 1:16
This seems the most plausible of all. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing Jackson shot out of a cannon and everyone else trying to chase him.

Second beer: 20 sec
Second lap: 1:22
Jackson will already be ahead at this point and should be out of the transition zone without any interference. I don't think he'll have any problem meeting the lap split, but I am curious to see the beer go that fast.

Third beer: 40 sec
Third lap: 1:30
This is where the trouble will begin. Nearly one full minute in the transition zone with the possibility of Tigger lagging on the second beer. Vomit already on the ground. Micah closing in. Carbonation causing undesirable effects. One minute can EASILY turn into two minutes here. Lap time should still be fine.

Fourth beer: 1:35
Fourth lap: 1:30
Ladies and gentlemen, the death knell. There is simply no way that Jackson avoids the mass hysteria that will be the transition zone here. We all know that this beer takes the longest to drink properly. Simply too much potential for Tigger interference from either his second or third lap. Not to mention the lampooning nature of all others in attendance. I foresee a Pre-like fall from the top here. This beer takes AT LEAST two minutes to drink, probably closer to three. Even with Jackson's mad push to run a 1:15 split to finish, he still arrives home in a time of 10:26.

Remember, sub-10 is a farce Jackson. Even in South America.

Micah said...

i'll respond in full later. right now i need to show the splits in lap times so i can see what we're dealing with.

1:42 (3:13)
1:50 (5:23)
3:05 (8:28)

assuming consumption delays increase proportional to quantity consumed, setting that at an arbitrary 15+5(n-1)s where n=exchange, the lap times look something like this:

15 + 76 (91s /1:31)
20 + 82 (102s/1:42/3:13)
25 + 105 (130s/2:10/5:23)
30 + 155 (185s/3:05/8:28)

Micah said...

I do think i can run sub-10 even with Tigger, so here is what I propose for myself, assuming I can train into 30s exchange shape:

30 + 100 (130/2:10)
30 + 110 (140/2:20/4:30)
30 + 120 (150/2:30/7:00)
30 + 130 (160/2:40/9:40)

That may be achievable

scott jackson said...

ive allready proven a 9:11 beer mile. thats documented on the beer mile website..
i actually have listed more time for running and less time for drinking. ill give u the breakdown of the splits later.
lastly, histeria only makes the competitive wheels turn more.. the more adrenaline, the faster the race. my first beer mile was around 10:30.. and there were only 3 of us running.. the second was an official race, and the competition was steeper.

Micah said...

hysteria may be an appropriate label for a def leppard album, but it does little to describe what is known as tigger at a beer mile event

scott jackson said...

ok, looking over the official beer mile results/records page.. i see a serious error or flaw or shenanigans. look at the top 2 times from jim finlayson. The events were only 1 year apart, but for the first he is listed at 31 years old, and for the second at 35years old. something fishy there. personally, i cant believe the 5:09. im not saying its impossible, just seems a little fast for that dude.
copy and paste this website to see for yourself:

jlowe said...

30 sec for transition? Are you guys insane? If this race turns out to be so serious that no one takes the time to make Jackson spit while he's drinking, we're doing it again until sub-10 becomes the farce that it is. My wedding, my rules...that I made up just now.

However, I would love to see people running 90-110 sec splits all the way through. I obviously have a LOT of training to do. I don't think I can break 8:00 for the mile right now.

Micah said...

no sub-8s? don't you have to run 1.5 in 12 for PT?

jlowe said...

Micah, hopefully this will aqequately address your concern with my lack of aerobic fitness. I would also like to point your attention to the "I am not a role model" blog post of 14 Jan 08. Amazingly, having a 32" waist and being able to do 60 situps and pushups, each in a minute, gives you enough points to comfortably pass even when you're a loser in the run.

I have decided that I will take the test again before I get out of the Air Force. I'm not sure I'll run the 9:48 it would take to get a 100, but I think I'll have a decent chance at it by beer mile time.