Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Or 1:02:04 if you go by the chip time. It turns out there was about 37 seconds of transition time factored in there. I don't have exact splits, but I do have my halfway time. So, I ran the first half of my leg (6k) in 32:45. I ran the second half (slightly less than 6k) in 31:19. I do know that I ran a couple of my miles around 8:40, one around 8:30, one around 9:00, and one around 8:00. My overall pace was 8:35 or so.

The conditions for the day can best be described as blustery. There was a 10-20mph wind from the north throughout the run. My last couple of miles were actually running south so I think the wind helped me there. As previously stated I was/am sick, but other than perhaps being more cold than usual and having more mucus to hawk up during the run I'm not sure it really affected me much. The temp around the start of the race was 45-50. By the time my leg started, it was probably up to 50-55.

As for my thoughts on the race, all things considered I'm happy. My stated goal was to run 59:50, but I figured that probably wouldn't happen even if everything had been picture perfect. My secondary goal was to run a PR for the event, which I did. My previous best time was around 1:02:25. I do feel like I'm in a pretty decent spot to try and continue running from here. I think that may be the most exciting part.

Other news: I talked to the people with the Houston Marathon at the expo before the race, and registration is now officially open and only accessible online. Even my (soon-to-be) wife seems excited about the marathon. I would go ahead an register, but I would like to do it with my Mississippi address (which is another story entirely.)

Jackson, I hope I've answered all of your questions with this post. I am sure there is some more stuff I should have paid attention to that either don't know or didn't post. As for everyone, I would like to say that this blog helped me acheive one of my goals just by giving me a place to discuss/vent about training. I appreciate your tolerance of my ramblings and all the feedback. Onto the marathon.

1 comment:

Micah said...

very nice. and the congestion couldn't help either. wind will always slow you down, even if it helps on one leg. i think ernie b would put it this way: "wind will always slow you down in toto". then again, ernie could have been saying "in total" and it may sound the same.