Thursday, April 3, 2008

3 months, 2 days, 1 man

This is mainly because of the fact that we can't go more than a month without a new post. So it is written. So it shall be done.

Random jlowe facts and thoughts:

(1) Shouldn't the subtext to the Houston 2009 blog read "...challenge OF life, liberty..." rather than "...challenge to life, liberty...?" Any English majors are encouraged to comment. If English is now your second language, your opinion will be discounted. Darn furiners.

(2) Are we still thinking that 8 people will be involved with the marathon in some way? I don't even care if everyone actually runs; I just think it would be cool if we could get everyone together in the same place. Do 8 people even read this?

(3) I've now completed 3 steady months of training (minus 1 week of flu-like illness). As you know if you care to remember, I am running a 12k leg of the OKC marathon relay in just over 3 weeks. My stated goal for the run is 59:50. I don't think there is really anyway I'm going to be able to pull it off. My training program has been great for endurance, but it has failed me in preparing me to run at or even near race pace. I plan on doing more treadmill workouts over the next few weeks just to try and get used to running at a necessarily faster pace. I suppose in the end this training problem is really more my own and less due to the program, but hey, the point is it seems to be too late to salvage the goal.

(4) I'm running in a 15km race this weekend that I just found out about. More updates on that after the race.

Hope everyone is well, and I plan on talking to y'all soon.


scott jackson said...

count me as 1 person reading.. as far as if english is my second language. thats up for debate.

great job! 3 months is nothing to shake a stick at. I also just completed 3 months.. kind of getting tired, but the thought of glory at the beer mile pushes me on.

as far as the leg of the marathon.. you never know, sometimes in races we surprise ourselves, and even if you dont make your goal, you had balls to throw out a goal, and you are still trying to get there. i know i didnt talk to you a ton about the training program.. i did agree with the furthest run, but i was questionable about the speed aspect of it.. but didnt study it enough to really see if it needed improving.
15k suggestion: run the first 5k slower than your goal pace for the marathon, run the 2nd at goal pace, and then for the 3rd 5k, see if you can run it faster that race pace.
good luck.. the 15k is a tough race. im still busy wandering around town looking for flyers for ANY race!! wish i could run one soon.

jlowe said...

Jackson, thanks for the kudos. I suppose you deserve at least the same. I will try to see if I can run some portion of the 15k at what I want my race pace to be. In order to get 59:50, I think I need to run around an 8:22 pace. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill a couple of weeks ago at a 7:57 pace. I'm going to try and go out around a 9-9:30 pace because that is where I feel most comfortable. If I can get down to around 8:30 for the second 5k and even lower than that for the last, I will be ECSTATIC. My actual prediction for the event is something more around a 9:50 average pace for the whole thing. Like I said, I know I can run it now; but I've spent the bulk of my training doing runs around a 10:00 pace. I think this is where it comes back to bite me. More after the race tomorrow.

Oh, and should anyone care, I have a feeling this will be my first race run in the rain. Obviously, I've played other sports in the rain before; but I wonder how much influence it will have on running alone.

Micah said...

running in the rain ain't so bad. it's actually quite dry, ironically.

don't skip out on goals; it's good to set reachable goals, but don't skip out because you have trouble reaching it. you know that, i'm just reminding you.

jackson, you should start a running club in cordoba. you can probably start some buzz being that it's an olympic year. and then you can coordinate local fun runs and then maybe some races.

as for 8 people. well, i'm in, though i haven't been running. neither tigger or shelby read here, at least not much it seems, but i think they're both in. jen will come even if she doesn't run. i haven't heard from patillo since the baby and i haven't heard from wes since his girls have been ill.

so i don't know that we'll field 8 runners. but i think we can field 8 people.