Sunday, August 5, 2007


Okay, now tell me how I'm going to train to run? I have not run at all before and I don't want to set myself up to fail. Yesterday I ran for a mile and a half. It hurt me. And I'm going to do 26.2 miles? AAAACH! -shelby


jlowe said...

Obviously, I check this way too much. I figure, this is a great way of staying excited about something so vile as marathon training.

Shelby, my training advice for the near and relatively near future is simple. Just go run and try and have fun doing it. Then, keep doing it. I would try to get to the point where you can run 30-45 minutes comfortably. Don't worry about how far that is or about how fast you are running. That will all come with time.

Another important thing is to listen to what your body is telling you. A little soreness is normal, but that should be about it. If it hurts, don't do it. Try to run about 3-4 times per week. You'll know if that is too much or too little just by how you feel.

Lastly, this thing is over a year away. Don't worry about anything besides getting used to running. With a decent base of running as exercise, it will take about 4-6 months to get into marathon shape. That means all you have to do now is run. The marathon will take care of itself later.


scott jackson said...

ok, i would love to send some detailed stuff on training, but i dont have time for that right now..
i would generally agree with what jlowe said.. but maybe even do less than what he reccomends... to start, i think 1.5 miles is too much, that is why it hurt so much.. you have to start by walking and running... maybe try to go 20 minutes.. 5 minutes walking, 5 minutes running, 5 walking, then 5 running... then slowly decrease your time walking, and you will be running 20 minutes or so. just try to build up to 30 minutes.. 45 minutes will come later.

Micah said...

jason gives very good advice. we'll surely give more good advice and i plan (as i'm sure scott does) to put up links to as many good training programs for you to view and answer any questions about training. but for now, since we've got roughly 17 months to go, just run easily, patiently, and consistently.

Jen said...

MSC Strange here. Finally. You people were too Johnny-on-the-spot.

Mrs. Denison, here's my expert advice on how to run these 26.2 so-called miles: think about childbirth. And then think how infinitely easier this is. Then just go. No sweat.

Men? Further comments will receive votes of no confidence. (Not really. But in related news, jlowe, I'm offended that you have reserved that right. My goodness. Know-el agrees.)

Western said...

While JStrange brings up an excellent point on the difficulties of child birth I would like to point out that the very origin of the "Marathon" resulted in the death of the first person to run it--therefore putting it at least somewhat comparably difficult when you consider that a year worth of effort must go into it if you don't want to die.

jlowe said...

I have complete and total confidence in you Madame Supreme Chancellor. Like all good systems of government, I simply thought it prudent to include a system of checks and balances. I assure you, a vote of no confidence will occur only when "the bureaucrats" usurp your power by bogging you down with procedure. Or if you align yourself with Malastair.

Western, Phidippides would be proud.

Jen said...

Thanks for preserving the public good, jlowe. I don't want to wield my power unjustly, after all. And don't want to be overly susceptible to the bureaucrats. No dark side for me, thank you very much.

And as for the origin of the marathon, okay, whatever. History schmistory.

Pattillo said...

Sorry I have not published my memoirs to marathon training but I had a slight mishap while training "abroad" that has shaken me to my very core. It appears I am not the only one to be stricken with this malaise, apparently the same exact thing happened to a fisherman.

Western said...

Patillo, That was one of the most disturbing videos I've seen in a while. I'm glad you've found you're not alone in your...uh...experience.

jlowe said...

Pattillo. Interesting choice of video links for your blog debut.

I love you man. No seriously, I love you.

Does Freda know you have odd fish fantasies?