Thursday, January 17, 2008

First 5k of the new year

39 degrees and running. Who's your daddy?

In all fairness, I skipped the run yesterday just because I felt that 33 degrees and freezing rain seemed like a better way to get sick than to get in shape. Of course, all I could think of was the Nike ad from mstrange's 2nd floor dorm room. I run for the glory. I obviously have a long way to go.

From GA to LA,


Micah said...

it was adidas, but i can't remember what it said exactly, and i can't find an e-replica, but it mentioned something about waking up at 5am

jlowe said...

I do remember that it talked about how good the dude's brother was. Like he was the star of the team and the narrator was a scrub or something.