Monday, January 28, 2008

thanks jlowe

great posts jlowe, they added some "wings" to my day. good to see more activity here.
a couple things i want to address:

im struggling with training here. i dont know what it is, but its really hard to train here.... my daily routines are ever-changing, the culture is very non-commital, i have no training partner, the places i have to run are few... its tough. im not saying this with a whining attitude, just stating facts is all.

I have a great book suggestion, "bowerman and the men of oregon" by kenny moore. its a biographical book about Legendary Coach and nike co-founder, bill bowerman. prefontaine, being coached by bowerman, was definitely greatness.

click here for the amazon page for the book

keep it up all
scott jackson


jlowe said...

Where do you run there? Are there parks nearby or do just run downtown through the streets? Do you run on a treadmill or around a track? Are you any closer to getting a car or another job?

Micah said...

i'll plan to get that book, it looks good